Create Social Media Content From Your Podcast. #4 is the easiest and quickest that you can start doing today!


‘Writer’s block’ doesn’t just happen to storytellers and bloggers – it happens to content creators too. Sometimes it’s hard to get the creative juices flowing – that’s why it’s best to have a variety of resources you can use for inspiration. Podcasting is one of the best ways to source content for your social media channels and ensure your content is fresh, relevant and engaging.


We’re going to explain a few of the best ways to create social media content from your podcast. Let’s begin.


1. Interview Someone With Influence or Passion

They say a fresh pair of eyes will spot something you’ve missed, and the same can be said for a voice.Inviting someone who’s an expert in your field, or someone who has a burning passion for a particular topic can inspire you to no end. Ask them for their opinion on a topic subject and start an engaging conversation. Find out their tricks of the trade to share later with your audience. What you find fascinating about your guest, you can bet your audience will too. Use that to your advantage.


2. Ask Your Listeners to Join in the Conversation

People love to take to social media to discuss their ideas. Steer the discourse of your podcast to a hot topic and transfer the discussion to social media. You’ll be able to use polls, posts and other social content forms to invite your audience to share their opinions. This is a surefire way to skyrocket your engagement rates.


3. Create Short and Snappy Audiograms For Posts or Stories

Audiograms are short sound clips from your podcast combined with engaging images and copy. Think of these as a teaser trailer for your podcast. You can use an audiogram app such as Audiogram or Headliner to create professional videos from your audio files with little effort.

The beauty of audiograms is that they can be posted on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and pretty much every other social media platform. You can even showcase them on your stories as well as in regular posts to double your chances of exposure. Legend has it that Instagram will bump you up on its algorithm when you use a selection of its features – why not give it a try?


4. Post Inspirational, Motivational or Educational Quotes From Your Podcast

Social media is full of pages dedicated entirely to posting inspirational quotes. Most of these quotes have been recycled to near death – what if you could bring something new to the table?Scour your podcast for some killer quotes and bring them to life on a Canva template. This is one of the simplest, most effective ways to create engaging, attractive content for your feed. You won’t even have to think of something new!


Not sure if starting a Podcast is right for you? Check out our blog on 4 of the best reasons to start a podcast: read more


We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our tips for creating social media content from your podcast. If you’d like to take your podcast to the next level and avail of our professional podcasting services, get in touch! Our experts will help you get radio-ready with the help of the very best recording equipment and mixing software.

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